
In John 14:15-31, Jesus promised the Holy Spirit before He departed bound for heaven. Pentecost is the festival when Christians celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit, a gift given by Jesus Christ when He left to be with the Father in heaven. It is on this belief that Canaan Apostolic Faith Church is founded and deeply rooted.
At Canaan Apostolic Faith Church, we believe that for a church to exist and fulfill its purpose in the lives of Christians, it must be immersed in the Holy Spirit. Canaan Apostolic Faith Church is not only a bible-based church, but we also put a lot of emphasis on the works of the Holy Spirit and its importance in our prayer lives.
The presence of the Holy Spirit is something we experience on a day to day basis and more so when we congregate every Sunday. Evidence of the Holy Spirit living among us can be found in the countless testimonies from past and present.
Believers who have been healed, delivered, experienced miracles or just simply live with the comfort of knowing that the Holy Spirit sent by our saviour Jesus Christ is leading and guiding their lives. The faith of Canaan Apostolic Faith Church is firmly anchored on the Holy Spirit because He is our guide and intercedes between us and our God Jehovah.
At Canaan Apostolic faith church, we congregate for 3 days to celebrate this event (Acts 2:1).