- About Us
Canaan Apostolic Faith Church has a branch in the United Kingdom, Zimbabwe and several branches in Mozambique.

History of the Church
The Church was formed in 2006 with members meeting to pray in each other’s houses and have Bible study. As the numbers started to increase, it became impossible to meet in people’s houses. One of the members proposed to meet at the cricket club, a building at Victory Hall in Romford where UK congregants currently meet. The ‘Bible Study Group’ started to meet at the cricket club but the place was becoming small as the number of people continued to increase. Thereafter, there were discussions about starting a church.
As deliberations were carried out about starting a church, a question that was raised was ‘what do we call ourselves?’ There was a suggestion to use the name Canaan, a church that the current Bishop had attended before he relocated to the UK. From that day, the church was formed and started meeting in Victory Hall. The church would fill up that at times, there was insufficient space for the congregants.
The newly formed Canaan church was not the same as the one that already existed in Zimbabwe so discussions were held in a committee meeting about merging with the church in Zimbabwe. However, the Holy Spirit said no initially and after some time, the churches merged into one as led by the Holy Spirit.
By way of extension, the church opened branches in Mozambique.
The Executive Committee shall be the supreme organ of the church and shall be composed of the following;
- The Bishop
- The Overseer
- Church Advisor
- Executive Committee Member
- To formulate the policies and principles of the church.
- To supervise the implementation of policies, principles and programmes of the church.
- To elect/appoint members of the branch committee in consultation with the Holy Spirit.
- To approve Pastors and other leadership in consultation with the Holy Spirit.
- To approve the audited financial statements of the church.
- Attend branch meetings
- The Executive Committee shall serve until they are too old, dead or retired and appoint the next committee to take over the church leadership with guidance from the Holy Spirit
- A member of the Executive Committee shall leave office if he acts contrary to the Provisions of this constitution.
Each church branch shall have its own committee. The branch committee comprises of;
a) The pastor
b) The Evangelist
c) Father
e) Mother Adviser
f) The Secretary
g) Treasurer
i) The coordinator
j) The committee members
In some branches, the titles and the functions may differ slightly.
Canaan Apostolic Faith Church
Our Moto
Your troubles are ours, our troubles are yours. Nhamo dzako ndedzedu, nhamo dzedu ndedzako.
Aims, Values and Objectives
To advance the Christian religion/ faith
- By supporting Christian communities develop their Christian faith.
- Through the preaching of the Holy Bible and Holy Spirit guidance
In addition, the church aims
- to bring people together to praise, worship and pray together.
- to develop individuals’ faith through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
- to empower fellow believers to use the gifts of the Holy Spirit bestowed upon them )”And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. (Joel 2 v 28).
- to offer counselling and mentorship to the youth, single people and married couples.

About Our Church Services:
Our church service starts at 11am
Thursdays: We have weekly Bible Study on Zoom at 7.30pm
Last Saturday of the month: We have our All-Night Service which starts at 9pm